
COE Office Name
Controller of Examinations Dr. K. Madhavarajan
Deputy Controller Dr. N. Poorna Chelvan
Dr. L. Sugirtha
Dr. G. Rajkumar
Clerks List of members
Exam – Online registration application Link

List of Controllers

Name Tenure
Thiru. Chidambaram
Dr. V. Thilagarajan
Dr. S. Ramamoorthy
Dr. M. Rajendran
Dr. R. Rajeswara Palanichamy
Dr. K. Madhavarajan

Exam – Online registration application

Rules and regulations

  1.  Two internal (Continuous Internal Assessment) tests will be conducted during every semester, which will be considered
    as a part of internal marks (for a total of 25).
  2.  Semester exams will be conducted twice a year, during the months of November and April.
  3.  Exam applications for semester exams will be announced through circulars. The application forms will be available online.
  4.  Students should apply and pay the exam fees only through online mode.
  5.  Students can choose their arrear subjects while applying for the examination.
  6.  Students must apply for exams within the due dates announced.
  7.  LATE APPLICATIONS will never be entertained at any circumstance.
  8.  Hall tickets can be downloaded by the students through online after the announcements of attendance status and payment of condonation fees if any.
  9.  Students must bring their hall-tickets and identity cards during semester examinations.
  10.  Timetable for semester examination will be published in the college website. Hard copies of the same will be displayed in the department notice boards.
  11.  Results will be published online. Students can log in to the above-said URL and download their results.
  12.  Students can apply for revaluation and for photocopies of their answer scripts after the announcement of results.
  13.  Malpractice of any kind inside the examination hall will be seriously dealt with. Students will be debarred from the current exams.


  1.  Students must enter the following login, which is available on our college website:
  2. Link is the URL for their login.
  3.  Students should log in with their register number and password, as provided from the office of the controller of examinations.
  4.  Students can choose the subjects, apart from the current papers, which they wish to apply.
  5.  They should confirm their application form and proceed for online payment.
  6.  Students can confirm their online application by downloading the receipt of their payment in PDF format.
  7.  If they do not get their receipt, they can register clarification or complaint in the office of the controller of examinations.